Here you will find the most important information on our two price lists:

Price list for the pay-as-you-go tariff:


  • Activation fee per toll box 16,00 €
  • Provision fee of the toll box: 5,90 € per month in which the toll box is actually used
  • Service charge on collected tolls (gross toll revenue): 4 %
  • Compensation provision fee (if the toll box is not used for more than one year): 10,00 €
  • Toll turnover
  • Return postage
  • Blocking fee in case of loss, theft or damage: 40,00 € 


This contract begins with the dispatch of the toll box and ends when it is returned to tolltickets (date of receipt). If the toll box is not used within 12 months of dispatch, an inactivity fee of €10.00 will be charged.

Our pricelist for Frequent Traveller Tariff:

  • Activation fee per toll box € 9.90  
  • Provision fee (annual fee) for the toll box per year: €13.90 
  • toll turnover
  • Service fee on tolls collected (gross toll revenue): 3%
  • Return postage costs
  • Blocking fee in case of loss, theft or damage: 40,00 € 


This contract begins when the toll product is dispatched from tolltickets and ends when it is returned to tolltickets (date of receipt).

ATTENTION: In the event of loss, damage, theft or incomplete return, the toll box must be blocked at the respective toll operator for a fee. Blocking also cancels the contract. 

The cost of blocking can be up to EUR 40 for both tariffs.